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Velvet & Shag Home - Vintage Rugs & Hip Decor

Bobbi Cat Sticker

Bobbi Cat Sticker

Regular price $4.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.50 USD
Sale Sold out

Please help us nurse our Bobbi back to health with the purchase of this cute little sticker.

Our sweet 8-year-old kitty named Bobbi has been sick since mid July.  She's not been eating much and has lost a couple of pounds.  She's had many vet visits with bloodwork, X -rays, fecal testing, urine analyses, etc. and the vets have not been able to determine the cause of her sickness.  We are hoping for some answers from the results of a biopsy surgery that she will have on Wednesday, 8/30 in which they will determine if she perhaps has Irritable Bowel Disease or maybe even cancer. 

The vet bills are building up very quickly and while we are very willing to pay whatever we have to in order to help our sweet Bobbi girl, we could use the help.  Your purchase of this sticker will help pay for her doctor's bills.

Bobbi is obviously very special to us, but she has been special to many people over her eight years of life.  She came to us as a stray and we were happy to adopt her.  She's the kind of cat that everyone on our street knows by name.  She is very sweet and gentle and loves kids.  She will always let even the littlest of kids pick her up and carry her around.  She also developed a great friendship over the years with an elderly couple that lived across the street from us.  She would visit them every day when they still lived there.  In fact when her good buddy Steve died last year, she even came to his memorial in their backyard to say goodbye to him just like all of the rest of us.

Bobbi still has some good years left and we can't wait to spend them with her.  We so appreciate your help with the purchase of this sticker!  

Update as of 9/1/2023:

In order to keep her healthy enough for the scheduled 8/30 surgery, we were taking her into the vet everyday so they could insert a feeding tube and make sure she was getting enough to eat.  On Tuesday, the 29th, we took her for her last feeding at the vet before her surgery the next day.  They also did blood work and discovered that in addition to having a fever, there were some other suspicious factors.  They therefore kept Bobbi for the night and were able to do an ultrasound and collect samples for the lab.  After doing this work, her vets thankfully determined that they did not think that the biopsy surgery was necessary.  We will find out the results of the labs in a few days with hopefully a good diagnosis.  The vets are estimating that she may have lymphoma, which they say is very manageable and with proper medication, Bobbi can live for a few more years.  We’re trying not to get our hopes up, but hoping for the best.

In the meantime, though, the vets inserted an esophageal feeding tube, which stays in all of the time.  It’s good because now we can feed her and make sure she’s getting enough anti-nausea medication.  It looks a bit intimidating, but we are really thankful we can give her the proper nutrition she needs.

Update as of 9/12/2023:
Our sweet little girl Bobbi crossed the rainbow bridge on Wednesday 9/6/2023.  We will never get over her loss, but we are extremely grateful for the love, support and compassion that we have received during her illness journey over the past couple of months.  Bobbi's story is also not over and we will perhaps share the rest of it when the time is right.  In the meantime, we will continue to look for ways to memorialize Bobbi and support other animals that need help.  Our special Bobbi stickers will still be available in the shop and proceeds from the sale of the stickers will continue to go towards Bobbi's vet bills.  Hopefully we will eventually be able to use the proceeds to benefit other pets and pet families in need. 

Thank you so much for all of your love! 

Think pawsitive.  Do your purry best.  Friends furever. 🐾❤🐾 

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