Moving forward...A note from Julie
*This note was originally sent to email subscribers on Wednesday, November 6, 2024.*
I want to express my deepest gratitude to all of you for continuing to follow along with Velvet & Shag. Being a small business owner is tough and I’d be nothing without you! So deepest appreciation to you for that.
Unless you’re a local Olympia customer, you might not realize exactly where my small business is located. Velvet & Shag is positioned in the loft of Ossa Skinworks in downtown Olympia, Washington in the heart of our historic and arts district. While there are many special things about the beautiful old building that I get to work in everyday, there are two especially amazing features about the front exterior of the building. A) The front is painted a happy shade of pink and B) there is a big Pride flag hanging front and center for everyone to see as they enter. When V&S and I were warmly welcomed into the building, these two features were not lost on me. They very intentionally symbolize the safe, welcoming environment that all of us in the building wish to exude to those who enter. And I’m even prouder today, the hardest of days, to be a part of the collection of women owned businesses in which this pink building and Pride flag represent.
Today is undoubtedly a tough day for many of us and it’s hard to imagine a future in which we are all welcome in this country no matter our gender, skin color or cultural heritage. I just wanted to let you know that this extremely tiny piece of the puzzle that my business represents within our community and country will always support equal rights for all. That includes rights and care for our beautiful Mother Earth and animals, as well. And let us not forget to also support those who support us. While it may not seem like it at times, there are many allies doing the good work to push this country forward on a path where we can all feel valued and safe. I don’t think I know a single woman owned small business in which the owner’s partner wasn’t a true ally and source of unconditional support. That includes my amazing husband who believes in the power of women and who is also devastated at today’s results.
Although the situation seems bleak and hopeless today, please remember that we do still have a voice and there are still things we can do to make our voices heard. By supporting women/LGBTQ+/BIPOC small businesses and those businesses and organizations that support our values, we can put our time, money, and effort into those that align with our core values and goals. We can choose love instead of hate. We can choose kindness and understanding over rudeness and disinformation.
Four years is a long time and who knows where we will be on the other side. But just know that as long as Velvet & Shag is in existence, love and kindness for all will always be a top priority for us. We believe in truth, dignity, and integrity, and as always, will continue to lead with love. Let’s have each others’ backs in whatever way we can and get through this difficult time together.
Peace for all,
Owner of Velvet & Shag